Monday 14 November 2011

Been Busy: Now Some Important Advice!

Hi everyone, so I haven't made a blog post in a while, due to unfortunate events, namely, being busy amongst the real world. With a current aim to move, and looking after my pets instead of writing about them.

Things we need to talk about. Cars.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, between 2010 to 2011, there is 73% of the population with registered cars. 

While according to Petnet Pet Statistics, there are 63% of the 7.5 million households in Australia, that own pets. 

Now think about the last time you made a quick stop into the local chemist, post office, Bunnings Warehouse,  or other. The last time you left your dog in the car. Did your quick stop become longer than expected?

Now this is an approximate statistic, but on average, every 3 cars out of 4 that I see, containing a dog or two, the window is either completely shut or only has a gap of 2cm. This is not okay. If you think this is okay. Test it for yourself. Sit in a hot car, in the sun, with only a 2cm gap in the window. It's not comfortable is it?

If you wouldn't do it to yourself, don't do it to your pets. They're better off locked up in the backyard, with a bit of separation anxiety, but able to get to fresh water, fresh air, and lay in the shade. Separation Anxiety is a whole other issue, but in brief, if you don't want something being damaged, find somewhere else for it, and give your dog plenty of things to keep him or her distracted (though do be aware of small objects they may swallow).

So that is the first issue covered. Do not leave a 2cm gap in the window, if you can't put the window lower, leave your dog at home in the shade.

Second issue.

So 73% of the population to registered cars.

Cat's let out at night. No reflective collar. Roads and Motor Vehicles.

Do you drive at night with cats and other animals or even pedestrians to mind? Do you drive carefully, constantly looking out for anything that might run out onto the road? Just like on country roads, you should be looking out for animals in towns and metropolitan areas.

Pet owners: I hate to be honest, not everybody loves cats, not everybody loves your cat. Some people have no care at all for how your child may feel if they hit your cat. Some people are even so cruel as to deliberately hurt your cat.

Take heed of my advice, keep your kitty indoors or an enclosure, away from the dangers of the road and it's sadistic motorists. Get a reflective collar, like the one shown in the image below.

Another few tips for Pet Owners: A micro-chipped kitty, means dead or alive, we can reunite your kitty back with you. Collars with a name tag, address and contact number will assist in recovering the owner, and best care can be taken for the cat's well-being. It allows the motorist to help you, to get this cat to a vet, with the owner at hand. I have seen this happen. That man was an amazing and caring man

I keep my cat indoors at all times, this keeps him safe, and my mind at ease, every time I leave the house, or go to sleep.

Motorists/Drivers: Have heart. This cat could be some little girl or boys whole world. Even if not for the cat, for the owners. Please drive carefully, look out for movement, reflections and silhouettes crossing the road. If you hit a cat. STOP. You might think it is dead. Think again! Please people it is you that can save this cat. I am a vet nurse, and I have seen many cats from Motor Vehicle Accidents, which have recovered quite well. Even if the cat is beyond this point, the kindest thing to do is to take it to a veterinary clinic where they can alleviate the pain, or with the owners consent, euthanise it.

Simple rules to follow:
  • Wind the car windows down. Or leave your dog at home.
  • Sit in a hot car, get it comfortable, cool with fresh air. This is how it should be for your dog.
  • Always have fresh water available to your dog and cat.
  • Drive carefully, and watch out for cats or dogs.
  • Keep your pet collared with a nametag/contact details/address. 
  • Get your pet micro-chipped.
  • If you can keep you cat indoors, or in a suitable cat enclosure or decent aviary. 
  • Always stop if you hit an animal (much like you would a human).
  • Lastly -if you can- take the cat (dead or alive) to a veterinary clinic, this way maybe the owner can be recovered, and this avoids children seeing it and being traumatised.
  • I'll try cover some basic first aid in a later blog post :)

References: The Australian Bureau of Statistics Website and

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